What is Y•ROC?
Y.ROC is a youth-focused version of I.ROC that accompanies I.ROC at no extra charge. Y.ROC can measure wellbeing and recovery, where the concept of recovery is about finding ways to live a fulfilling and meaningful life in the presence or absence of mental ill health or a condition. It is not a clinical assessment tool and focuses on strengths not deficits.
Y.ROC is modelled from the I.ROC questionnaire with appropriate changes in language and support tools made to fit a younger audience.
The suite of tools includes:
- Y•ROC® - Youth Recovery Outcomes Counter - A facilitated self-assessment that uses the HOPE® framework and 12 indicators of wellbeing to assess and measure personal recovery.
- Y•Toolkit - Personal plans and wellbeing tools specially designed for a younger audience hat link to Y•ROC and promote recovery.

- I•ROC Digital - Just like I.ROC, Y.ROC is also available on our digital platform.
The tools provide a consistent, reliable and flexible way of working across an organisation to deliver meaningful results. Y•ROC wellbeing allows service providers and workers real time access to data and reporting which can be measured at individual, service or organisational level.